序号 | 交 流 论 文 题 目 | 报告人 |
1 | Construction of the HL-2A Tokamak | 刘德权 |
2 | HL-2A 主机加热 / 冷却水循环系统的安装及调试 | 冉 红 |
3 | HL-2A 装置极向磁场电源研制 | 姚列英 |
4 | 基于 PLC 的 HL-2A 装置电源逻辑控制保护系统 | 陈宇红 |
5 | HL-2A 装置中央逻辑控制系统设计 | 李 波 |
6 | HL-2A 装置反馈控制系统程序放电的实现 | 刘 莉 |
7 | HL - 2A 等离子体电流和水平位置反馈控制参数的优化及仿真 | 毛苏英 |
8 | Hotter Electron Mode of Operation Established with High Power Electron Landau Heating in HL-2A | 高庆第 |
9 | HL-2A 场形分析 | 李芳著 |
10 | Recent Edge modeling on HL-2A | 潘宇东 |
11 | Application of FIR Laser for Interferometry in HL-2A Tokama Plasma | 周 艳 |
12 | HL-2A DAS 的现状与发展 | 陈燎原 |
13 | 2A 数据处理系统的开发及应用 | 潘 莉 |
14 | Preliminary design of the data processing program on HL-2A tokamak | 阳 洋 洋 |
15 | Plasma boundary identification and global confinement parameters evaluations on HL-2A tokamak | 李 强 |
16 | The Design of A 25-barrel Pellet Injector With Cycle Refrigerator For the HL-2A Device | 肖正贵 |
17 | HL-2A 装置低杂波天线设计的初步考虑 | 饶 军 |
18 | Neutral Beam Injection Experiments in the HL-1M Tokamak | 严龙文 |
19 | Snake studies in the HL-1M tokamak | 刘 仪 |
20 | Mode analyses 0f MHD instability in the HL-1M Tokamak | 赵开君 |
21 | 电子速率时、空分布动力学及高能电子输运和被捕获过程的实验研究 | 杨进蔚 |
22 | HL - 1M 装置等离子体与 ICRH 发射天线的相互作用 | 赵培福 |
23 | Rayleigh-Taylor 不稳定性的理论研究 | 邱孝明 |
24 | nstability and Transport Driven by Electron TemperatureGradient Close to Critical | 董家齐 |
25 | Characteristics of a Burning Plasma in A=2 Tokamak Reactors | 石秉仁 |
26 | Model equations for ITG drift wave turbulence in the current-carrying plasmas | 王爱科 |
27 | Fokker-Planck 程序包的开发与应用 | 龙永兴 |
28 | Neoclassical Transport in Tokamaks With Electric Shear | 王中天 |
29 | Activation Calculations for a Fusion Engineering Breeder Experimental Outline Design, FEB-E | 冯开明 |
30 | 30 Study of Neutronics and Neutron Irradiation Effectsfor Sperical Tokamak Center-post | 张国书 |
31 | Conceptual Design of ST-based Tritium Production Fusion Reactor | 何开辉 |
32 | Application of energy supplement method in designs of transmutation blankets | 胡 刚 |
33 | Progress and Status of Fusion Technology and Materials Research at SWIP | 许增裕 |
34 | Thermal fatigue testing of purified tungsten and plasma sprayed tungsten coatings | 刘 翔 |
35 | The recovery and recrystallization of the cold rolled V-W-Ti alloy | 谌继明 |
36 | Developments of the Fast Ionization Gauge in a Strong Magnetic Field | 王明旭 |
37 | Helium retention and surface modification of tungsten by low energy He + irradiation | 张 斧 |