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编辑: 本网站发布时间: 2022年01月05日

题   目:Study of Electron Heat Flux – Gradient Hysteresis Phenomenon on the HL-2A tokamak


时   间:2022年1月7日(周五) 上午 9:30

地   点:聚变科学所二楼小会议室,兴隆湖五楼会议室(远程)

摘   要:Electron heat transport plays an important role in the confinement of tokamak plasmas. Study on electron heat transport has been carried out for many years and significant progress has been made, but some phenomena are still not well understood, one of which is the so-called flux-gradient hysteresis, featuring a delayed and multi-value relationship between electron heat flux and its temperature gradient. The flux-gradient hysteresis violates the local diffusive transport model and will possibly bring new understanding of electron heat transport, yet careful study of it in tokamaks has been rare. This work will report the flux – gradient phenomenon observed in modulated ECRH experiments on the HL-2A tokamak, including its existence, its dependence on ECRH conditions and evidence for non-local transport that may contribute to its formation.

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