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编辑: 本网站发布时间: 2022年11月16日

题   目:Enhanced cross-field SOL transport during JET tritium campaign and its impact on machine operation

报告人:Dr Hongjuan Sun,JET, UK Atomic Energy Authority

时   间:2022年11月17日(周四) 下午 15:30-17:00  

地   点:聚变所二楼大会议室(远程),兴隆湖五号会议室(远程)

摘   要: Enhanced cross-field SOL transport remain as a hot topic within DIV/SOL field.. On the one side, the enhanced cross-field particle transport and the resulting broader SOL width spreads the heat load over a larger area and, together with the increased separatrix density, results in a favourably cooler divertor target surface. On the other side, high ion flux due to enhanced transport will increase the sputtering of the first wall components and fuelling retention in the wall. Meanwhile, enhanced SOL transport provides more particles to ionize the fast Beam neutrals, causing power load issue on the first all. JET tritium plasma provides unique evidence of favourable and unfavourable effects of enhanced cross-field SOL transport on machine operation. The results on JET show that studies of SOL phenomena such as "density shoulder" formation are more than just academic exercises. This talk will start with some background knowledges on SOL studies and introduce the JET machine and tritium campaign on 2021. It will mainly focus on the experimental observation on JET and discussion the implication for future devices.


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