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编辑: 本网站发布时间: 2022年10月14日

题   目:Fast-ion Transport Induced by Edge Localized Modes

报告人:陈昊天 副研究员,101室

时   间:2022年10月17日(周一) 上午 10:00  

地   点:聚变所二楼大会议室,兴隆湖五号会议室(远程)

摘   要:Recently, the acceleration of beam ions during ELMs in ASDEX Upgrade tokamak has been observed for the first time through direct measurements of fast-ion losses in low collisionality plasmas. The accelerated beam ions exhibit well-localized velocity-space structures, with energy gains of the order of tens of keV.

    In this work, by employing the nonlinear gyrokinetic theory, we develop a theoretical analysis of the fast-ion transport induced by ELMs, including both kinetic and geometrical effects. The resultant transport equation allows a detailed discussion for the relative importance of various contributions. The findings provide a plausible explanation for the experimental observations. In particular, it clarifies that the beam ion acceleration is not due to ELMs.

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