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编辑: 本网站发布时间: 2023年11月13日

题   目: Observation of flow velocity of carbon ions induced by friction force in edge stochastic magnetic field layer of LHD

报告人: Dr. Shigeru MORITA,NIFS and SOKENDAI

时   间: 2023年11月14日(周二)  上午 9:30 

地   点: 聚变所二楼大会议室

摘   要: In LHD, until now, 1-D and 2-D intensity distributions of impurity ions have been observed and analyzed for the impurity transport study in stochastic magnetic field layer in addition to core and edge plasmas. The analysis of the impurity intensity distribution in the stochastic magnetic field layer was necessary for help of EMC3-EIRENE edge plasma transport simulation code. The observed intensity distribution, i.e. impurity density distribution, could be well explained by the EMC3-EIRENE code simulation. At present, the EMC3-EIRENE simulation code is also used for ITER design and studies of tokamak edge plasma with RMP field. In the present study spectral profiles of impurity emission lines were observed mainly to analyze the flow velocity. A full profile of the flow velocity of C3+ ions along the vertical direction of LHD plasma was successfully observed. The flow velocity parallel to the magnetic field lines towards outboard side was always the same direction as the friction force. Importance of the friction force giving to the impurity screening was clearly indicated through the present study. The measurement was also done for deuterium plasmas. We observed a reduction of the flow velocity due to relatively slow thermal velocity of bulk deuterium ions. All these results evaluated by the EMC3 EIRENE code make a good agreement with the experimental result. The validity of the EMC3-EIRENE code was experimentally certificated through the present study.

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