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编辑: 本网站发布时间: 2024年01月02日

题   目: Ripple-induced neoclassical toroidal viscous torques in new ITER scenarios with tungsten wall

报告人: Yueqiang Liu教授,美国GA资深研究员

时   间: 2024年1月4日(周四)  上午 9:30 

地   点: 实验楼二楼大会议室

摘   要: A systematic calculation was performed on the ripple-induced neoclassical toroidal viscous (NTV) torque for new ITER scenarios designed for the Augmented-First Plasma operation phase with the full tungsten wall, where the plasma-wall gap is varied to reduce the tungsten contamination. The torque calculation includes drift kinetic response of the plasma thermal and energetic particles to the n=18 ripple field. For the plasma scenario with ~45 cm plasma-wall gap at the outboard mid-plane and considering the corrected ripple level of 0.15% by the ferritic steel inserts, the computed net NTV torque acting on the plasma column is at the sub-Nm level. However, with decreasing plasma-wall gap and/or without the ripple correction, the computed net NTV torque can still reach a level comparable to that produced by the neutral-beam momentum injection in ITER. The n*omega_d=k*omega_b (with omega_d and omega_b being the toroidal precession and bounce frequencies of trapped particles, respectively, and k an integer) type of resonance from fusion-born alphas is found to enhance the NTV torque by a factor of 5. These results are important in understanding the ripple effects on the plasma edge rotation, L-H transition and particle transport in new ITER scenarios.


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